Thursday 30 June 2016

7 minute butt workout.

  1. Squats: Start with feet apart arms unjoined, lower butt down until it is parallel to the ground, your knees should bend in the same direction as the tip of your toes.
  2. Froggy glute lifts: Lie prone on the ground, join legs together and while keeping them straight raise them up.
  3. Forward lunges: Hands on hips and take a step forward, lower butt until it is parallel to the floor go back to starting position and start again.
  4. Butt bridge: Lie on your back and bend knees, feet on floor hands to the sides.
  5. Donkey kick left: Start on all fours, then raise leg and squeeze butt as far as possible.
  6. Split squat right (Same as normal squat do it with right leg instead.
  7. Fire hydrant left: Start on all fours, raise left leg to side with knees bent as far as possible.
  8. Fire hydrant right: (Same procedure as mentioned above)
  9. Pile squat: Hands on hips and feet as far as possible, lower butt till it is parallel to the floor then start again.
  10. Donkey kicks right: (Look above)
  11. Sumo squat calf raise: Hands on hips, knees bent, lower butt until parallel to floor repeat.
  12. Spilt squat right. (Same as split squat left)

Sunday 26 June 2016

Add one inch to arms per month.

  • Add more volume to workouts.
  • Provide sufficient recovery time.
  • Repeated attacking of muscles.
  • Supplementation.

Saturday 25 June 2016

4 simple hacks to get 3D shoulders.

  • Front barbell press.
  • Behind the neck barbell press.
  • Reverse dumbell flyes.
  • Military press.
  • Approved from the best of instructors.
  • Each exercise should have 3 sets with 5-8 reps.

Friday 24 June 2016

13 exercises to make those abs stick out. (Fast results guranteed)

  • Burpees.
  • Reverse crunches.
  • Straight arm plank.
  • One leg pushup.
  • Bridge.
  • Bicycle crunch.
  • Mountain climber.
  • Cross arm crunch.
  • Plank.
  • One leg bridge.
  • Long arm crunch.
  • Russian twist.
  • Reverse crunch.
  • Jumping squats.
  • Each exercise should be done for 30 seconds.

Whitening your skin.

3 easy ways to whiten your skin at home, no product required.

  • Apply lemon juice and water solution 3 times a week on the body.
  • Try a lemon milk soap, fill the bathtub with warm water pour full fat milk, then add the juice of one lemon to it, stir and soak in it for 20 minutes.
  • Make honey yogurt mask (apply for 15 minutes.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Developing the V cut. ( 5 easy tips)

  1. Lying leg raises. (4 sets 15 reps per set)
  2. Hanging leg raises. (4 sets 15 reps)
  3. Reverse crunches. (4 sets 15 reps)
  4. Ab v hold. (Hold the position from 30 seconds to 2 minutes adjust accordingly.)
  5. Avoid foods with a lot of sugar.
  6. Eat a protein diet.
  7. Include fish and vegetables in your diet.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Burning belly fat.

An easy and effective recipe to burn belly fat and to make those abs stick out in no time.

  • Take a bunch of organic parsley and blend it in a food processor.
  • Squeeze the juice of two lemons on to the parsley.
  • Add a cup of filtered water to the blender (alkaline filtered water) and blend.
  • This drink is proven to increase the metabolism rate of an average person by two times and helps in burning fat more quickly and effectively.


Tuesday 21 June 2016

Increasing ones attractiveness.

How to get a chiseled and sexy Jaw line.

(13 easy tips and exercises)

These five tips will virtually guarantee an amazing jawline, they require no capital or investment what so ever, follow these tips and you'll have people looking at you in an awe inspiring way and you will most effortlessly grab the attention of everyone around you. 

  • Decrease your sodium intake. 
  • Chew gum.
  • Try sleeping without a pillow.
  • Increase your water intake.
  • Exercise for about an hour every day. Either by walking or going to the gym of you don't have time for that try the seven minute workout program. (Will be posting about it soon)
  • Exercise your jaw. 
  • Smile more often. 
  • Practice chin lifts. 
  • Make a fish face. 
  • Massage your face. 
  • Use the right technique. 
  • Clench your jaw.
  • These tips have been scientifically proven and tested even if you don't have a great jawline or have a double chin following these tips will be the most effective, efficient and fastest way to get an amazing jawline.