Tuesday 21 June 2016

Increasing ones attractiveness.

How to get a chiseled and sexy Jaw line.

(13 easy tips and exercises)

These five tips will virtually guarantee an amazing jawline, they require no capital or investment what so ever, follow these tips and you'll have people looking at you in an awe inspiring way and you will most effortlessly grab the attention of everyone around you. 

  • Decrease your sodium intake. 
  • Chew gum.
  • Try sleeping without a pillow.
  • Increase your water intake.
  • Exercise for about an hour every day. Either by walking or going to the gym of you don't have time for that try the seven minute workout program. (Will be posting about it soon)
  • Exercise your jaw. 
  • Smile more often. 
  • Practice chin lifts. 
  • Make a fish face. 
  • Massage your face. 
  • Use the right technique. 
  • Clench your jaw.
  • These tips have been scientifically proven and tested even if you don't have a great jawline or have a double chin following these tips will be the most effective, efficient and fastest way to get an amazing jawline.

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